Exactly How Often You Should Get A Massage: The Benefits of Regular Massage Therapy

How often you should get a massage varies for each individual. Ultimately, it would be amazing to get a massage everyday! But for most people, getting a massage that often is not realistic due to time and money. However, studies show that some sort of regular massage therapy significantly reduces pain and stiffness, alleviates stress, promotes better sleep, and improves overall health. (1)
Massage therapy works to help open up pathways and facilitate the body’s own capacity for healing that might not otherwise be possible without a little assistance. The question is, how often should you get a massage to maximize the benefits?
Exactly how often you should get a massage really comes down to what problems you are looking to address and the end goal you want to achieve from getting a massage. Massage therapy is a powerful tool to help treat several areas but if it is under utilized - or over utilized - you may hit a plateau with your healing.
To determine the best course of action for you, follow the guidelines below and work with your massage therapist who will help you determine how often you should get a massage.
1. You want to reduce pain
Pain is actually an important way that your body signals that something is wrong. But chronic pain can be unbearable to live with on a daily basis. Massage works to help treat chronic and acute pain at the root to alleviate symptoms more long-term instead of just treating symptoms.
If relieving pain is your main goal, weekly or bi-weekly is how often you should get a massage at first in order to set a foundation and overcome some of the most intense pain. Then, once an initial set of sessions have been performed over a period of time you can begin to decrease your frequency to every 3-4 weeks as maintenance once the pain is managed. In some extreme cases it may be necessary to keep weekly or bi-weekly sessions to avoid or limit the need for pain medication.
2. You want to alleviate stress
Research is starting to show just how much stress can impact your overall health and act as a trigger for disease in the body. Massage helps to alleviate stress naturally by boosting your serotonin levels, lowering blood pressure, decreasing your stress-hormone, cortisol, and improve focus.
If you are looking for stress relief you may need to initially see your therapist once a week or every 10 days. How often you should get a massage can vary depending on the severity of your stress and anxiety, but once your stress begins to feel more manageable, a frequency of every 3 weeks is ideal.
3. You want to speed up recovery
Massage aids in recovery after operations, during intense athletic training, or for regular gym goers. Studies have shown that massage can significantly help improve range of motion and recovery time if you workout on a regular basis or if you are post-op.
If you are leading up to a marathon or another athletic event, it is suggested to increase your massage frequency to every few days as you may be pushing your body harder and to help keep your body in the best possible position to perform. If you aren’t training for anything specific, but still working out on a regular basis, it is suggested to schedule a massage bi-weekly or once a month.
If you are post-op, once cleared by your doctor for massage, a massage can be scheduled twice a week, before gradually reducing frequency to bi-weekly or monthly as needed.
4. You just want to relax
As a society we tend to deprive ourselves of rest which can lead to digestive problems, trouble sleeping, lack focus, fatigue, and more. A 60 minute massage has been shown to be about the same as 7-8 hours of sleep to your body. If you notice that you are more on-edge lately or struggling with other issues, a bi-weekly or weekly massage is recommended.
In the end, how often you should get a massage is dependent upon the severity of the issue you are looking to address. Even though regular massages are an investment, the value of massage comes with regularity. We will not see the positive outcome with anything if we are inconsistent, and the same can be said with massage therapy. By investing in your health now, it can help save you thousands of dollars in the long-run by addressing these key areas that often affect long-term health.
Ready to see how massage can benefit your health? Book your next appointment here.
photo: depositphotos.com
- Rapaport, Mark H et al. “A preliminary study of the effects of repeated massage on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and immune function in healthy individuals: a study of mechanisms of action and dosage.” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) vol. 18,8 (2012): 789-97. doi:10.1089/acm.2011.0071