Massage Types
The body is made up of an intricate system of muscles, tendons, and bones that sometimes gets thrown out of whack. Whether you are an athlete or sit all day at a desk, sometimes your body just needs a push in the right direction to help correct itself. Often, we find massage to be beneficial for temporary relief but with this technique it is addressing the source of the problem instead of the symptom for long-term, sustainable relief.
Biomechanical Restructuring is a revolutionary technique with the primary role to restore function to the body utilizing soft tissue mobilization and muscle energy techniques to help allow the skeletal and muscular system to align and work together in unison.
Typically when we find that we have a knot or muscle spasm in an area it is a symptom of a larger issue and pressing or rubbing may give temporary relief but the same problem comes right back. This is the body's way of guarding against further damage, whether it is protection from a previous injury or repetitive movement causing the misalignment. The source of why this is happening is due to the fact that the musculoskeletal system is fighting against itself and is trying to find a way back to its natural state of alignment. Biomechanical Restructuring is simply aiding the body in correcting itself, allowing all of muscles, tendons, and bones to work as one unit.
Deep tissue massage is applying firm pressure and slower strokes to reach deeper into the muscle to help break up adhesions and scar tissue within the connective tissue and muscle. Typically this is used with deep aches and pains that have become chronic and with problem areas that have bothered you for years.
In cases of low back pain or herniated discs, deep tissue has been found to be effective in improving pain management. The art of deep tissue massage is discovering what the right amount of pressure for each area of the body is and what each client may need according to their specific problem areas. Always communicate with your therapist on pressure and what good discomfort is verses just pain.
Sports massage is a collection of different massage techniques with long gliding strokes. It utilizes range of motion performed with passive and active participation with the client to alleviate stress put upon different joints and tendons during athletic performance. It is an ideal technique to help improve and maintain range of motion and function for everyone who is active - whether you are a professional athlete or regular gym-goer. This technique provides health and healing specifically to the attachments of the muscle and freedom in range of motion.
Sports massage is a great technique to use before an event to promote longevity and optimization of performance as well as decrease in risk of injury. Post event sports massage aids in quick recovery and decreased soreness due to the stress of that event.
Trigger points are discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. These spots are painful on compression and can produce referred pain, referred tenderness, motor dysfunction, and autonomic phenomena. Trigger point massage helps alleviate this painful phenomenon with concentrated pressure. In some cases the client may feel tenderness not only in the area with directed pressure but also into referred pathways helping to alleviate the overall pain and dysfunction.
Myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia are directly related to trigger points and for those diagnosed with these conditions, massage has been found to be profoundly effective in improving the quality of life and decreased pain. These conditions are the leading cause of those claiming disability in work place.
Cupping therapy utilizes vacuum cups to target specific areas of the body. This method is a relaxing and effective way to treat an area of the body effectively that might otherwise be too sensitive to regular massage due to elevated pain and inflammation. Cupping has been used for thousands of years and one of the earliest forms of medicine utilized in the eastern hemisphere.
Vacuum therapy is not an irritant to the skin or body. It draws inflammation out from deep in the tissues that needs to be released. The skin can turn red with strong movements, indicating that circulation has been brought to the surface - a good sign of a good cupping session! Application of liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols and essential oil blends immediately after treatment will enable absorption of the product deep into the tissue for further healing after the cupping session is over.
This technique enhances circulation to the muscles and skin to bring nourishment and allow for toxins to be carried away via your body's lymph nodes. Conditions of chronic and acute pain can be relieved with minimal discomfort along with softening of tense muscles quickly and easily. It is wonderfully effective to release restrictions in fascia and scar tissue, like in conditions such as plantar fasciitis.
Larger cups are used for the broad areas of the back, and a strong vacuum will mimic the rolling action of deep tissue massage without the discomfort. The movement may be long and draining or circular and stimulating for stubborn knots and areas of rigid tissue.
One special focus is the head, neck and face, as these are often areas of pain and dysfunction. Headaches, sinusitis, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, lymphatic issues, chronic inflammation, and surgical preparation and recovery are common concerns for many people who come to see massage therapists, and who can gain relief when utilizing this technique.
Utilizing smaller glass cups on the face, facial cupping helps reduce and in some cases, can even reverse fine lines and wrinkles. The suction promotes relief of sinus issues and lymphatic drainage as well as increased collagen production. You may experience some some plumping of the skin due to increased blood flow during and after treatment. It relaxes the muscles of the face that tend to hold onto stress which can also contribute to fine lines and wrinkles, as well as pain and discomfort from tension headaches or TMJ issues. Another added benefit is decreased swelling and inflammation in the face and neck.
Prenatal massage is beneficial in reducing stress, blood pressure, swelling, and common aches and pains along the lower back and neck, all of which are common during pregnancy. This massage technique, under the direction of your doctor or primary health care provider, is typically not recommended until you reach your second trimester.
It can be so beneficial for both the mother and the baby by helping to decrease stress and tension in the body. This massage is most commonly performed by laying on your side and with long gliding strokes using light to medium pressure. Deep pressure is avoided during pregnancy as a precaution. It is difficult to find much relief or rest during pregnancy and massage is a great way to improve sleep and decrease discomfort.