Top 5 Surprising Benefits of Stretch Therapy

stretch therapy

Stretch therapy is the answer to the problem of today's desk jobs and sedentary lifestyles. Even though a lack of movement is one of the main contributing factors of aging most of us go far too long before we realize that we are unable to do the things we used to and end up settling for limitations and lethargy.


Stretch therapy is designed to help increase mobility, flexibility, and overall wellness. After all, we are supposed to live a life without pain and stiffness. In fact, mobility is essential for staying healthy well into our senior years.

What is stretch therapy?


Stretch therapy is performed on a treatment table with the assistance of a trained practitioner. Stabilization straps on the hips and other areas of the body are used to help keep proper alignment of the spine. While you are fully clothed, a practitioner will perform a series of stretches designed to get a deeper stretch than you would on your own for increased joint health, muscular health, increased mobility, and range of motion.

Benefits of stretch therapy

The benefits of stretch therapy go far beyond increased flexibility. Stretch therapy can help you in multiple areas of your health.


1. Alleviates pain


When our body experiences pain, the surrounding areas begin to tighten. Stretch therapy addresses this by correcting tightness through lengthening the tissue and tendons surrounding the affected area. This can be especially helpful for reducing low back pain in the lumbar region. Stretch therapy aims to loosen the affected area or surrounding areas that have gone into protection mode from ongoing pain.


2. Enhances pliability 


Performing stretches with a trained practitioner can help gain pliability both safely and effectively. Muscles and tendons need to have some level of tension to operate with stability and strength while still maintaining flexibility. 


This is why pliability is such a benefit from regular stretch therapy because it helps maintain proper strength and elasticity while also achieving the right amount of flexibility the body needs. Stretch therapy has also been shown to not only improve flexibility but maintain it over time. (1)


3. Addresses imbalances 


Regardless of whether or not you have a physically demanding occupation or workout regularly, you likely have muscle and joint imbalances. When left unaddressed, these imbalances can affect your movement quality, decrease performance, and increase your risk of injury. 


It is vital for athletes to maintain flexibility in addition to joint and muscle health in order to prevent injuries. This is also important for older adults as research has shown that regular stretch therapy makes a significant difference in movement quality as well as decreased pain and injury. (2)


4. Improves posture


Most people have poor posture due to sedentary office jobs and lifestyles. Tech neck also contributes to poor posture as we stare down at our devices for hours a day causing more discomfort and pain. 


Stretching has been proven in clinical settings to significantly improve pain as well as posture through neck, shoulder, and back exercises. (3) Investing in a standing desk or other ergonomic equipment is no longer enough with the repetitiveness of our work and lifestyles. By improving your posture, your body, joints, and extremities will fare far better into the future.


5. Improves circulation


Oxygen is necessary for your cells to thrive and helps you maintain good overall health. Circulation is the way in which your muscles, tendons, and joints receive oxygen. Lingering tightness in the body can limit circulation. By reducing this tension you directly improve blood flow to the area to allow for quicker recovery times from exercise or other physical activity as well as decreased blood pressure and improved mental clarity.


Adding stretch therapy to your monthly routine will give life to your joints and muscles and provide you with benefits that go far beyond initial flexibility. Whether you are young or old, it is never too late to get the most out of your physical and mental health.


Ready to see how massage can benefit your health? Book your next appointment here.





  1. Gawda, Piotr et al. “Evaluation of influence of stretching therapy and ergonomic factors on postural control in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain.” Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM vol. 22,1 (2015): 142-6. doi:10.5604/12321966.1141384
  2. Azuma, Nobuhide, and Fujiko Someya. “Injury prevention effects of stretching exercise intervention by physical therapists in male high school soccer players.” Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports vol. 30,11 (2020): 2178-2192. doi:10.1111/sms.13777
  3. Shariat, Ardalan et al. “Effects of stretching exercise training and ergonomic modifications on musculoskeletal discomforts of office workers: a randomized controlled trial.” Brazilian journal of physical therapy vol. 22,2 (2018): 144-153. doi:10.1016/j.bjpt.2017.09.003